Thought I would try my hand at being a true blogger here goes!
As CEO of The Spanish Boot Company I could well describe myself as a Mumpreneur juggling and multi-tasking like many women these days!
The Snailham family these days consists of a husband, 3 year old daughter, a Springer Spaniel called Bailey and a horse called Ashy! It is a busy household as you can imagine…
Working from home has its advantages and disadvantages. It certainly wasn’t easy when I first had my daughter as I didn’t get maternity leave as such I relied heavily on my Mum helping me out so I could keep the business side of things together. Things have got easier I have a fabulous child minder and my Mum still helps out a lot.
One of the main advantages is flexibility I can whizz to Sainsbury’s if I need without anyone telling me I should be in the office. But with a business comes responsibility I don’t get to leave work at the office as such I always feel I should be checking my emails or doing something!
I really try to keep my computer off at the weekend otherwise I really don’t switch off! And the weekdays I have Connie I sometimes struggle to give her my full attention as I still have to keep things ticking over… Women seem to suffer with guilt men don’t seem to have the same problem!
I am probably fortunate that my business was quite well established before I had Connie as I was able to cut back on the trade stands at shows and events that I had done previously. I think it would be really hard to start a business with a young family as you can’t rely on the income initially and the time commitment would be really hard. I always worked part time as a GP receptionist up until I had Connie and it became impossible to keep all the balls juggling!
It was a bit of a mad whim to get a horse at the beginning of this year as it gives me another ball to keep juggling – I must be crazy! I just wanted something for me my husband plays golf, fishing, football etc
I also wanted something for me and a possible hobby for Connie to keep her out of mischief! I am hoping she if going to like it – no guarantees! But I have got her on board as you can see from the photo!
Anyway that is my personal experience of running a business and an extended family…
And here is the lovely Bailey - 9 years old yesterday but a crazy puppy at heart!