YES put your boots in the oven to waterproof them...

sno-seal waterproofing leather

I kid you not let me tell you more...

Sno-seal is a product we import from the USA. It is a totally natural beeswax that waterproofs leather. We do not claim our boots to be waterproof just water resistant but this product can certainly make the leather waterproof.


It lubricates leather and protects from drying and deterioration but will never decay leather, stitching or seams. Protecting any leather saddles, footwear, clothing & accessories from rain, sun, snow & salt so pretty versatile really.

Now it states that you can use a hairdryer to warm up the boots before you apply the beeswax but much less time consuming is to use the oven in my experience! Just warm it up to 50 degrees (120F) just remember to turn it off before you put your boots in!

Pop them in let the leather warm up - just warm not hot to touch - and apply the Sno-seal liberally. If the leather is warm enough it should just melt in and absorb you will know if the leather is not warm enough because it won't soak in.

Remove any excess with a cloth and there you go a simple yet slightly unusual process to waterproof your boots! 

Just to say they can darken the leather slightly but I have found that to be minimal in my experience. Don't use on suede unless you are happy for it to darken and flatten the nap.

I would suggest this is a one of treatment for your boots but should you wish to apply products beyond this I would suggest Leather Wax and the other product recommended by the factory is sunflower oil - a handy tip!


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